New Year | New Goals

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

Every year I set a reading goal for how many books I want to read…but I’m also that person that will start a book reading challenge as well lol. I’ve only ever done the PopSugar Reading Challenges (you can find the 2018 reading challenge here ). But there are several other good reading challenges out there:

• Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge (here)

• Modern Mrs. Darcy (here)

Those are my fave to-go-to challenges.

In 2016 my goal was to read 50 books and I read 52 books.

In 2017 i set a goal for 55 books and I only got to 35 books. Which I should’ve expected that since I did have a baby in June and so therefore I was keeping up with a 2 year old and newborn, while keeping up my housewife duties.

So for 2018 my goal is 45. Meeting myself in the middle of the past few years lol.

I’ve started this years reading with The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee.

It is sort of a mix between Gossip Girl & Pretty Little Liars. It is set in the future of the year 2118, where the lower class people live closer to the ground levels and the higher class people live more in the upper levels, and it’s like their whole world was build inside the tower so that they don’t really have to leave. Though that’s all I’m saying because it is turning out to be a good read and I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who might be interested.

So, here’s to the New Year and Happy Reading everyone!



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