The Wall of Winnipeg and Me


Published Date: March 1, 2016

Pages: 672


Barnes & Noble

WHY it took me so long to read this, I have no idea… It was sooooo good!

The relationship between Aiden and Vanessa kept me on the edge and wanting more and more.

At some points I thought the author was rambling but it totally worked for those parts and made the story. I was also expecting there to be a big conflict or something but there really wasn’t much of one. It was different from other sports romances but I very much enjoyed it.

When the ending became I wanted it to go on some more. I’m already contemplating rereading it already.

“Vanessa Mazur knows she’s doing the right thing. She shouldn’t feel bad for quitting. Being an assistant/housekeeper/fairy godmother to the top defensive end in the National Football Organization was always suppose to be temporary. She has plans and none of them include washing extra large underwear longer than necessary. But when Aiden Graves shows up at her door wanting her to come back, she’s beyond shocked. For two years, the man known as The Wall of Winnipeg couldn’t find it in him to tell her ‘good morning’ or congratulate her on her birthday. Now? He’s asking for the unthinkable. What do you say to the man who is used to getting everything he wants?”

If this isn’t on your TBR…PUT IT ON THERE! lol



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