Let’s Get Textual | Review


Published Date: September 6, 2017

Pages: 307


It all started with a text and a wrong number…

This book by Teagan Hunter made me laugh and swoon. I love stories where people fall in love through uncommon circumstances: like a text to the wrong person lol.

When they finally meet face to face I am even excited lol

They are both nerdy but like super hot nerds lol who love baby goats and watching Netflix. This book made me want to go buy a mini goat.

I do wish their relationship wasn’t so rushed in to. It makes it seem totally fake and rushed when it’s like they meet and then a the next few chapters they are talking life long commitments. Otherwise I really enjoyed this book and the story of Zach & Deliah.

A wrong number is supposed to be just that-a wrong number.

Delete. Done.

Do not continue to text. Do not flirt.

A wrong number shouldn’t be the first person on your mind in the morning, or the last at night, and your definitely not suppose to talk them into buying a baby goat. Because that would be weird.

When Zach Hastings and I get into a wrong-number mix-up, we don’t follow the rules. We keep texting and flirting, because he’s wicked funny and perfectly nerdy and a wonderful distraction.

I’m not looking for love, and Zach definitely had the wrong number.

But maybe…

Maybe he’s the right guy.”



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